Goals (April 23-April 29)

Still been keeping up on steemit. Got a Curie upvote last week, which meant a huge boost in reputation and Loreshaper Games is almost to 100 followers over there.

Hammercalled entered playtesting last week, which means two things:

A) There’s no time like the present to finish the GM section.
B) There will be a moment to finish up the velotha’s flock advanced play guide that I’ve been working on for like two months now and continuously procrastinating.

With that said, here’s the list of stuff to do:

velotha’s flock advanced guide (Priority 1)

Finish character examples.
Decorate sparse pages.
Release on DriveThruRPG.

Hammercalled (Priority 2)

Playtesting began this week. I need to seriously nail down the GM section.

That shouldn’t take too much time/effort, and other than that it’s responding to playtest feedback and working on settings.


Segira’s marginally closely. I didn’t do a lot of work on it specifically, but I’ve been expanding the Gear to work on pre-built stuff for it.

The Ashen King

We’re now behind on TAK, because I didn’t do much for it. Too busy scrambling to get playtest-ready.

Also, I started another setting for Hammercalled that I’m using for my campaign. That’s probably not going to turn into much.

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