Commentary on velotha’s flock Part 2: The Product Line

From fairly early conception of velotha’s flock, when it went from being a four-page novelty to a full-fledged game as it were, I decided to make it into a multi-part affair. I want to talk briefly about the reasons why, especially since as a free game I don’t think anyone’s accusing it of being a money-grubbing move.

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Improv GM’ing Dos and Don’ts: Connect the Dots

If you missed the previous entry in this series, Improv GM’ing Dos and Don’ts: Improv is not Unprepared, I’d suggest going there now and checking it out.

This is part 2 in an ongoing series about improvisational Game Mastering for tabletop roleplaying games. As such I’m assuming you know more or less where I’m coming from with regards to the preparation you need to do before starting the game.

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velotha’s flock Week 2 Update

velotha’s flock is now live on DriveThruRPG! It actually has been for a few days, but I… kind of forgot that I never linked to it here. Such is life, I guess.

Because velotha’s flock is “complete, but in progress” I figured I’d give a quick status update on the things that I’m changing/adding to the game, as well as other plans for velotha’s flock that should see fruition soon.

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Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life, Rule 8: Tell the Truth– Or, At Least, Don’t Lie (Part 2)

For those of us just joining me, I’ve been reading Jordan B. Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (Amazon Affiliate link). Peterson’s approach to truth-telling at first seemed to echo Kant, but as I read deeper I learned it was more nuanced (and perhaps more far-reaching than even Kant’s categorical imperative).

As I’ve said a couple times before, this isn’t a review. I’m just using this post as a way to reflect on what I’ve read and commit it to memory (though readers are more than welcome to use it to pique their interest in the book or compare it to their own findings). A full review should be coming once I finish the book.

Continue reading “Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life, Rule 8: Tell the Truth– Or, At Least, Don’t Lie (Part 2)”

On Archetypes, Heroes, and RPG Characters

This was originally going to be a velotha’s flock post, but I decided that some of this should be a stand-alone thing. One of the issues with game design, I feel, is that most of it doesn’t really go down the road of storytelling. Even more narrative-focused games often do so with a focus on “story over rules” rather than following any sort of storytelling praxis.

I think that there are a few reasons for this, and I’ve got a brief breakdown of what I think GMs and designers can do to prevent mediocre storytelling in their games.

Continue reading “On Archetypes, Heroes, and RPG Characters”

Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life, Rule 8: Tell the Truth– Or, At Least, Don’t Lie (Part 1)

For those of us just joining me, I’ve been reading Jordan B. Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (Amazon Affiliate link). Peterson’s approach to truth-telling at first seemed to echo Kant, but as I read deeper I learned it was more nuanced (and perhaps more far-reaching than even Kant’s categorical imperative).

As I’ve said a couple times before, this isn’t a review. I’m just using this post as a way to reflect on what I’ve read and commit it to memory (though readers are more than welcome to use it to pique their interest in the book or compare it to their own findings). A full review should be coming once I finish the book.

Continue reading “Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life, Rule 8: Tell the Truth– Or, At Least, Don’t Lie (Part 1)”

Commentary on velotha’s flock Part 1: Eden, Wilderness, Promised Land

One of the things that I wanted to do with velotha’s flock is create an interesting world that people haven’t seen the likes of before, to make something that challenges their conceptions of what many of the basic tenets of the game’s world are.

Of course, I put a lot of the elements of the game down in tradition too, because I don’t want to explain anything and I want to reward readers and players who have a strong interest in intellectual pursuits for doing what they do best and finding connections between things.

Continue reading “Commentary on velotha’s flock Part 1: Eden, Wilderness, Promised Land”

Metal Gear Survive First Impressions

As someone who games on PC and has a fairly busy schedule, I tend not to get my hands on games until a while after the console world gets their hands on them, so I’ve been excitedly looking forward to Metal Gear Survive after the beta it held last weekend.

Now it’s out, and (after a somewhat tumultuous launch) I’ve gotten further into it without any major technical issues, but I’m having a less pleasant experience than I had during the multiplayer beta for a number of reasons.

Continue reading “Metal Gear Survive First Impressions”

Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life, Rule 7: Pursue What is Meaningful, Not What is Expedient

For those of us just joining me, I’ve been reading Jordan B. Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (Amazon Affiliate link). This chapter, covering Peterson’s seventh rule, builds heavily on previous chapters and helps combine a lot of the previous ideas together.

As I’ve said a couple times before, this isn’t a review. I’m just using this post as a way to reflect on what I’ve read and commit it to memory (though readers are more than welcome to use it to pique their interest in the book or compare it to their own findings). A full review should be coming once I finish the book.

Continue reading “Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life, Rule 7: Pursue What is Meaningful, Not What is Expedient”

velotha’s flock release and Moving On

velotha’s flock is “released”, though it’s not yet populated on any of the official distribution channels yet. I need to put more stuff up on DriveThruRPG to get officially approved to just post stuff instantly of my own accord, so we’re potentially going to see some stuff go up there in future days.

With that said, I want to give a brief overview of what my future plans are, before retiring to bed at a halfway decent time for once.

Continue reading “velotha’s flock release and Moving On”